Welcome Empire Lover's​​

Puerto Rico Collection
With love I present you my new collection of acrylics nail colors, handcrafted by me that I called PUERTO RICO. The collection has 78 base colors that are named with towns names of our beautiful island. This collection will continue to grow with colors that will be named with the neighborhoods of the towns. Currently the collection has 102 colors. I also offer you a wide range of high quality products at a better price.
I invite you to be part of a legacy of color that defines your essence. Learn more
Big hug...
Izarelly Nazario

Our History
Innovation Nail Supply was a local small business located in Puerto Rico, founded in 2008 by Izarelly Nazario. In 2012 by personal circumstances made me close it and move on to another job’s opportunity on the east side of the island. After that situation my new employee contract concluded, on the top of that having to get thru the terrifying experience of Hurricane Maria, which made the possibility of finding a new job more difficult. I’m a Computer TI, Computer Coach and Education Instructional Designer, but the nail world had always called my attention. In 2018, I decided reinvent myself and re-open Innovation Nail Supply but this time with a completely different business concept. Dedicated time to investigate colors, flags, places and the history of each town of Puerto Rico in order to make a unique, exclusive and personalized brand. This is how Empire was born. Our acrylic colors and glitters are 100% handmade by me, each of them inspired on Puerto Rico. Made with the better-quality materials available in the market to deliver the highest quality of products to all nail technicians in and out of the island. Our colors and collections have the names of towns and neighborhoods from my beautiful island. Initially we had 78 colors, as our product becomes popular I keep expanding the variety of colors. Until now I have 112 unique colors. All of our products are gently mixed, packaged by hand and carefully inspected to provide products that deliver satisfaction to our customers. Empire Nail Colors goal is to give to all nail technician a legacy of color that defines their essence. Beyond our colors we sell a variety of products that complement our brand.
Our website provides:
· A Simple design with a faster and easier navigation for our customers
· Improved responsiveness on computers, tablets or smartphones
· Gifts, shipping to USA and Puerto Rico and more...
Our purpose is to provide great products for a good price and excellent customer service. We are committed to make our customers shopping experience as pleasant as possible.
We create and innovate for you!!!
By: Iza